Archive for Februari 2015

Thinning Hair In Women - How To Make It Look Fuller


If you are a woman and are at or beyond menopause, then there is a good chance you have thinning hair. Over 30 million women in America have thinning hair called androgenetic alopecia or female pattern baldness. What causes this is a drop in the female hormone estrogen, which will then allow their testosterone to combine with another enzyme, called the 5 alpha-reductase, to form the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

DHT attaches to the follicle causing the hair strand to fall out and the follicle to die.

So as a woman's hair thins, she probably turns to the only drug approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) to stop and re-grow hair in women called, Minoxidil.

While a woman treats it with Minoxidil, she needs some method to cover her thinning hair. Here are some methods that you can use to make it look fuller.


This is one of the easiest methods to make your hair look fuller. To build your hair with shampoo look for shampoos that contains silicone or silicone derivatives and have a small amount of chemicals in them.

You may want to check with your dermatologist to have him or her suggest a therapeutic shampoo.


Conditioners are also important to build your hair and make it look fuller. Your hair, especially if it is damaged, is negatively charged. By putting conditioners in your hair after you shampoo, will make your hair positively charged. The positively charged ingredients in the conditioners will bind to your hair to make it look and feel fuller.

The key to having a good conditioner is to make sure it is compatible with your hair type. Again you should ask either your hairstylist or your dermatologist to recommend a good conditioner for your type of hair.

For example, people with dry hair should select a conditioner that has moisturizing properties.

Ask Your Hairstylist

Your hairstylist should be able to help with giving you a hairstyle that makes your hair look fuller. Simply explain to him or her that you want it to look fuller. They should be able to present several styles that you can choose from.


One of the products that I have found and used effectively to cover my thinning hair, is a product that consists of micro-fibers made from keratin. Keratin is found in actual hairs. The product I use is called Toppik, which you can get in various colors that should match your hair color.

These micro-fibers work by merging and bonding with your own hair, which will make your hair look and feel fuller.

Jimmy Chase got into hair styling when he was in the Navy. After the Navy, he continued on in the profession of hair styling and studied how people can have beautiful hair.

Jimmy Chase started losing his hair when he turned 50. He has done lots of studies on loss of hair, in both men and women, to determine what works and what doesn't. He has successfully stopped his hair loss and has even re-grown some of his hair. He wants to help other people learn what he has learned, on dealing with loss of hair and re-growing hair.

He operates the web site

Article Source:
Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015
Posted by Unknown

What Bald Spot? A Strategy to Fill in Your Bald Spot...!!!

I have personally met men who have explained the emotional feeling of going through life with a bald spot like walking around a mall with no pants on! They feel naked and ashamed. They struggle to deal with the bald spot by wearing hats, using various Hollywood makeup cover-ups, or growing the side hair long enough to comb over the top. The last option will require a few cans of hair spray and hopefully the wind will not be too strong! Ouch! What a way to go through life? How about those teachers with bald spots who hear the students chuckle every time they turn around to write on the blackboard? How about men and women who refuse to sit in the front of the church or temple because they feel the entire crowd is focusing on their bald spots? How must it feel when your young child has a friend over, you get in the car to go for ice cream, and your kid's friend says, "My dad has a bald spot too!".

There are 60 million men and women walking around the world with bald spots! So why is it a big deal? Since it is so common, is it not normal? Yes, as a matter of fact, it is very normal.Until it happens to you! When it does, there is a strong possibility one's self esteem goes out the window. Believe me, you will not know until it happens to you! And there is even more bad news. Once the bald spot starts, odds are it will keep on going! So where do we go from here. Here comes the advice you have been waiting for! The good news is there are options and you need to do your research. I have been experiencing hair loss for more than 25 years. It is and will always be my passion to help people solve their hair loss issues.

The first thing you will need to do is see a hair specialist. This is a doctor who only does hair restoration surgery every day. Not a part time, but a full time hair doctor. This doctor will make sure you have what is referred to as normal hair loss or standard alopecia. The doctor can recommend a few different medications, oral or topical, that can really help slow or stop the loss. You see, it is extremely important that you take this step first. If not, you may be taking a giant step into hair transplantation yet continue to lose your original hair. This will not create the best result for your bald spot solution. As a matter of fact, it will cause you frustration down the road.

Once you have been properly diagnosed and a solution has been prescribed, it may be time to wait and see what happens, or time to move forward. If your expectations are reasonable and you will be happy simply not to lose any more hair, than I recommend the wait and see approach. If you cannot stand the bald spot and need it filled in, it is time for that hair loss specialist to surgically move hair follicles from the back of the head into the bald spot.

There is a technique known as the "Bolton Whorl" to create a thicker look in the bald spot. The transplanted follicles are angled in a spiraling direction which emulates the hair pattern you once had before you lost it. The technique combines placing as many hairs as possible with the angles and wallah! After a few days of some small scabbing and a few months of waiting for the hair to start growing, the Bolton Whorl takes form and no more bald spot! Say bye bye bald spot, hello to a great hair day!

Source :
Posted by Unknown

Asbestosis Mesothelioma Facts

Asbestos exposure has been found to result in a wide variety of conditions, including asbestosis mesothelioma, a deadly cancer that attacks the lungs, heart or abdomen. This cancer is almost entirely caused by exposure to the fire retardant asbestos.

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was used widely in a variety of applications by many industries for the majority of the 20th century. When left alone asbestos is harmless. If damaged or disturbed, however, microscopic fibers release into the air where they are inhaled or ingested and then lodge in the tissue linings of organs.

If you live in a house built before 1980, chances are asbestos was used. So, if you ever do any renovating, be sure to consult an inspector first to find out if there is any asbestos present. If there is, don't try to remove it yourself. Hire an abatement company to remove it for you, because they will be prepared to remove and dispose of it properly. While you're at it, you might want to use house siding to cover up any old lead paint hazards, which are also very dangerous.
The biggest obstacle in mesothelioma treatment is being able to detect it early. Asbestosis mesothelioma has a long latency period and symptoms don't usually begin for 25-50 years after exposure. Since this form of cancer is usually diagnosed in later stages, treatment options are usually limited and therefore inadequate. As a result, electricians, military personnel (especially those who had been in the U.S. Navy), firefighters, auto mechanics and people in other occupations who contracted mesothelioma look to law firms to help them receive compensation. Many feel it's their only course of action, because they know their efforts to affect cures may be fruitless and they want to leave their families with something. The reason these lawsuits are such big business is because many of the corporations and industries that incorporated asbestos into products knew of the dangers and kept using it. That makes them responsible for the resulting health effects in their unsuspecting employees.

Images by Nephron and Clinical Casesmade available through the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike

Asbestosis Mesothelioma Symptoms
*  Fatigue
*  Coughing up blood
*  A persistent, dry cough that's sometimes accompanied by chest pain
*  Shortness of breath that first occurs when you exert yourself, and as the disease progresses, 

    when you rest
*  Difficulty when swallowing
*  Fever or night sweats
*  X-rays show opaque areas that first appear at the bottom areas of the lungs and may slowly 

    extend into the upper areas over time
*  Restriction of lung functioning, either before or after any lung changes show on x-rays
*  Unexplained loss of more than 10 percent of body weight

Surprising Uses of Asbestos

Asbestos has been used in numerous industrial and military applications over the years, but you may be surprised to learn that it was also used in a wide variety of common items. The following are just a sampling:
Cigarette filters
Duct tape
Hair dryers
Crock pots
Packing materials
Popcorn poppers
Vinyl wallpaper
Cork boards

Source :

Senin, 09 Februari 2015
Posted by Unknown

How to Give Yourself Natural At Home Facials

Did you know that salon-like facials can be done at home? They can and, in fact, at home facials can help keep any kind of skin looking beautiful, whether you have normal skin, bad teen acne or other skin problems.

An at home facial can help you improve skin tone, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, treat sunspots and lessen the appearance of spider veins or damaged blood vessels.T his combination of beauty and cleansing procedures can sometimes be costly at a salon — $100 or more! But not to worry; if you’re on a tight budget, you can learn to give yourself facials right in the comfort of your own home.

A basic home facial usually includes the four steps of cleansing, exfoliating, removal of blackheads and facial massage. You won’t have access to the equipment and products used in a regular salon or spa, but having beautiful, blemish-free and glowing skin is still attainable. Spending a little extra on high quality products will give you the best results, but soap, natural masks you can make in your own kitchen, and oil- and alcohol-free cleansers will also do just fine. Here are the four basic steps to a relaxing and beautifying at-home facial:
Cleansing is the first step. For people who have sensitive skin, a fragrance-free cleanser should be used to avoid irritations that can result from using scented products.

Exfoliation, the removal of dead skin cells that cling to the skin’s outermost surface, is next. You can use a facial scrub, an exfoliating cream or mask or a glycolic acid peel. These are the three most common products used in salons and spas. There are also many natural substances you probably have around the house that have been proven to be effective for exfoliation, such as the combination of oatmeal and eggs. Here’s a simple recipe for an effective natural cleansing mask that uses simple ingredients:

1 egg white
1/2 cup cooked instant oatmeal
1 tsp. lemon juice (use the juice of a fresh lemon, if possible)
1 tsp. olive oil
To create the mask, place the cooked instant oatmeal in a bowl and add the egg white, olive oil and lemon juice. Stir until smooth, apply to your face and neck and very gently massage it so that you get exfoliation without causing any damage. Don’t rub it until it flakes away, just long enough so it will remove the dead skin cells. Leave it on for 15 minutes. If you can, take the opportunity to lie down while you wait, to enhance your at-home spa treatment with a little relaxation. After 15 minutes, rinse the mask off with warm water and pat your skin very gently to dry it.

Extraction of blackheads is next. A blackhead strip, such as Bioré, can be used. Most of the time it doesn’t remove all of the blackheads, but if used routinely it will keep your skin blackhead-free. Be sure not to use it more often than the package directions indicate though. A metal blackhead extractor is commonly employed in spas in conjunction with steam and is more effective, but you probably shouldn’t try using one unless you have experience with it.

Facial massage is the last step in your at home facial. Its main purpose is to improve skin circulation and also relax tension in the facial muscles. Once there is proper circulation, more beautiful, glowing skin will result. To massage your skin, gently massage upward as you open your mouth and extend your jaw. Try to release the tension in your facial muscles as you do the massage.

Having a beautiful skin doesn’t need to be expensive. All it takes is proper daily skin care, a good diet, a healthy lifestyle and a monthly regimen of facial skin care. The skin regenerates every four weeks, so a monthly facial is just what you need to keep your skin healthy and beautiful. And the best thing about it? You can do it right in your own home.

You might also be interested in these related posts:

10 Natural Facial Treatments
Natural Skin Tightening Exercises
Natural Home Remedies for Acne
Eliminating Acne Redness

FAMILY MEDICINE : Incidentalists for Incidentalomas (Dr. Synonymous)

"You have an incidentaloma (an incidental finding on a medical evaluation such as a lab test or imaging study)", I tell my patient. "I'm referring you to our Incidentalist, a new specialty started to evaluate and treat incidentalomas."

We know that CT scans of the chest will reveal pulmonary nodules on 36% of so people. These incidental findings are currently evaluated by CT scans at regular intervals to follow the nodule. One and one half percent of the patients will have a problem that requires further treatment. Most would eventually be found by other evaluation strategies. The incidentalist will save lots of money by accurately interpreting the probabilities and finding a more cost effective strategy for the patient to get reassured or evaluated. The 27,000 yearly cancers that we apparently generate each year from the radiation used in imaging studies are a testimony to our need for a different strategy to pursue these incidental findings. The money saved by avoiding unnecessary testing strategies will pay for the Incidentalist and their training.

There are many other incidentalomas on laboratory test results and other imaging studies and others beyond the scope of this article. 

The new specialty will fit perfectly with the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) concept. The Patient Centered Medical Home will include the Incidentalist, along with the Family Physician, Family Nurse Practitioner, Social Worker, Holistic Practitioner and Care Coordinator. The Incidentalist will typically wear a headset and have four monitor screens in their workspace. They will be an information maven, celebrating the confluence of people and numbers. Doctors and patients will love them.

The Incidentalist is coming to a doctors office near you. If they work out in primary care, hospitals will be the next site for implementing the hospital based Incidentalist.

Source : Dr Synonymous
Sabtu, 07 Februari 2015
Posted by Unknown

Does a woman ever get to stop having to get Pap smears...???

Does a woman ever get to stop having to get Pap smears...??? 
The answer is YES. Since cervical cancer is caused by human papilloma virus, which is almost exclusively a disease of younger women, if a woman has had 3 negative Pap smears between the ages of 55 and 65, she may safely elect not to get Pap smears any more.

Also, if a woman has had a hysterectomy for a benign (non-cancerous) condition like fibroids or bleeding, then it is no longer necessary to have Pap smears done.

If a woman has had a hysterectomy for any kind of cancer, then she should continue to get a Pap smear every 5 years up to age 65.

Source : Ask The Doctor

Does periodontal disease make you more likely to get bronchitis or pneumonia?

Does periodontal disease make you more likely to get bronchitis or pneumonia? The answer is YES. Periodontal disease represents a marked overgrowth of ordinary oral bacterial germs. When you get a bronchitis or pneumonia, these infections come from your own germs getting somewhere they're not supposed to be. The more germs you have in your mouth the easier it is to get an infection like this. People who have periodontal disease have far higher oral bacterial counts than the average person.

Source : Ask The Doctor

For how long should a child take fluoride if there is not adequate fluoride in the water...???

The experts state that children should take fluoride up to and through age 16. Many parents are not aware of this and think fluoride supplements are only for young children. As long as teeth are growing, fluoride is especially important. Remember, by at 55 in the US 33% of the population will be edentulous (i.e., have no teeth). The prevention of this tragedy begins in childhood. Protect your children with fluoride.

The recommended doses of fluoride for children in places where the water has less than 0.3 ppm of fluoride (i.e., Plumas country) are:

Birth to 6 months: 0
Age 6 months to 3 years: 0.25 mg daily
Age 3 to 6 years: 0.5 mg daily
Age 6 year up to 16 years: 1 mg daily.

If your older child (up through 16) is not taking fluoride, just ask for a prescription the next time you're in.
Source : Ask The Doctor


Answer: In my formula for health-- 0-5-10-30-150

(0 cigarettes, 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, 10 minutes of relaxation or stress reduction each day, a BMI < 30, and 150 minutes of exercise, e.g., walking, each week), I call for 10 minutes of relaxation each day. When I ask patients questions about the 5 elements of the formula for health, they seem to have the most trouble answering the question about relaxation. The way I usually ask it is,
"Do you do anything on a regular basis, daily or nearly daily, just to unwind and relax?"                                                                                                                                                                       I get a wide range of answers. Some of which do truly count as relaxation in the sense that I mean, and others that do not. Answers that are obviously acceptable are "meditation" or "yoga." We have lots of excellent resources for learning how to this in town. So contact some of our fellow wellness committee members. Also acceptable and well within the intent of this question is "prayer" or "reading the bible." In fact, reading, if you sustain it for at least 10 minutes at a time, is also a good answer. "Taking a walk," is also a very good answer and adds to the amount of exercise you get as well. Some people answer, "I watch TV." TV generally is not a good answer, but there are some exceptions.

The problem with TV is that most shows and all commercials are designed to get you wound up. The exception would be watching a good movie with a strong narrative, no violence, no sex, and no commercials. This would be genuinely relaxing in a healthy way. In general, it would be far better to turn the TV off and sit in your favorite chair and do nothing. Just be silent. For a full 10 minutes. This is perfectly what I am asking for with the Formula for Health. This 10 minutes of silently doing nothing (and handling no interruptions--no phone calls, text messages, conversation with guests) is as simple as one can make relaxation, and it is highly effective. You do not want to spend this 10 minutes, however, worrying about bills, or stress at work, or problems with the kids. Your job is to let all this go for just 10 minutes. If you need help keeping these kinds of thoughts out, you can turn on some peaceful music (no loud bass or clashing cymbals) or just concentrate on your breathing, paying attention as your chest wills up with each breath all the way until the point where the breath turns around and high tails it out of there, slowly, and pay attention all the way until the next turning of the tide. It is almost impossible to do this without relaxing.

Some people suggest "having a glass of wine or beer or a cocktail" as their preferred moment of relaxation. This is actually not a great way because alcohol, while it does tend to help you relax, it also helps you to escape from yourself, to tune out as it were. This is not a desirable form of relaxation. To really relax you have to be fully present with yourself and just letter go of all the everyday, ordinary busy stuff of life. Alcohol will take you too far out of that zone.

Another question people have is, "Well, honestly doc, how much benefit am I going to get from only 10 minutes of relaxation?" This is a very good question. Here are some basic facts:

1. Stress kills. Ultimately stress accounts for about 33% of all heart attacks. It also contributes to higher levels of lipids, adrenalin, calcium deposits in the arteries, etc.

2. Stress is treatable and needs to be treated. The treatment is explicit relaxation or stress reduction. 10 minutes is the minimal effective dose. You can get your heart rate to slow down and your breathing to slow down and your muscles generally to relax in 10 minutes.

3. Of course, a single dose of almost any medicine doesn't do you very much good. The real value lies in repeating the dose until you complete the whole course of therapy. With respect to stress, the whole course of therapy is daily for the rest of your life.

4. When you do relaxation for 10 minutes daily, the benefit you get is more than just adding up all those 10 minute periods, but, of course, you do get that. But if you relax daily, especially if you relax at around the same time each day, you are actually creating a positive addiction. When your body gets used to the idea that you are really going to take some time out just to relax every day at a specific time, your body starts look

forward to it, and relaxing, hours in advance of the actual time. [Remember how all the fun of waiting for Christmas was in the weeks before Christmas, and how it rapidly faded on Christmas Day itself, and was generally gone by the day after.] This period of "anticipatory relaxation" is how a habit of relaxing formally for only 10 minutes a day can page huge dividends, far more than the accumulation of multiple units of 10 minutes, when maintained on a daily basis. Your body will like it. It will really look forward to it. In fact, after a while, you will feel incomplete, if you don't do it. And ultimately your body will thank you for it by developing fewer and smaller quantities of behavioral responses (stress reactions) that contribute to heart and vascular disease.

Try it. For just 10 minutes a day. Every day. At the same time

Source : Ask The Doctor

Celebrities Diet Plans – What One May Encounter On The Menu – Don’t Miss Out!

Countless people struggle with weight loss and wonder what they are doing wrong. There is no point in eating a couple of bananas a day or a bowl of cabbage soup and think that you have succeeded in your weight loss goals.

You haven’t.

Celebrities all over the world are renowned for their weird and wonderful diets. Many of them rake thin with no meat on their bones. And as a result thousands of people are sucked into their latest fad diet without a clue what they are doing to their own bodies.
At the end of the day celebrities are no better than anyone else. They have the same body types as you, the same metabolism as you, the same range of foods available to them.
So what do the sensible celebrities incorporate into their diet.
Now having money is one thing. Being able to fork out for your very own chef is a must have in the celebrity world. And that can be very advantageous. Not only do chefs know their food and how to make it taste nice they are also knowledgeable about what great source of nutrition each food type can have.
Chefs are not the only people they hire. Celebrities talk to nutritionists. They formulate a diet plan that will help them achieve their weight loss goals.

So what are the celebrities diet plans?
Any nutritionist worth their salt will incorporate a lot of healthy eating so here goes.
Let’s start with the basics – Water is one of the most important things to have during a diet. Yet often people disregard this for its simplicity. They even substitute it for things like coffee and soft drinks.
It is simply not enough to have fluids during a diet. Water flushes away toxins that can be trapped in fat cells. Drinking coffee or soft drinks do not flush those toxins away and inhibits weight loss so drink 6 – 8 glasses of water per day.

Eating negative calorie foods on a regular basis can help aid weight loss. By eating 5 to 6 small meals a day and making sure the last meal is before 6pm can really lose the pounds. Negative calorie foods include most green vegetables, like spinach, broccoli, kale beans and salads. You can eat tomatoes, lean meat, salmon, yogurt and eggs. And lastly most fruits are beneficial. These are especially good for those people who have a sweet tooth. In case you need a sugar fix substitute sugar for cinnamon. This can give you a sugary delight without harming your weight loss goals.

I am only touching the surface on what you can eat but if you do a little research or find out what you can and cannot eat you are well on the way to living that healthy lifestyle you always dreamed about.
Celebrities have advantages but with a little determination you can live like a star. Consult your local nutritionist and form a diet plan and then simply for Celebrities Diet Plans.
Stick To it!

Source : Internet Marketing Royalty

Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma – What You Can Do About It..???

Are you someone between the ages of 50 and 70 who is having difficulty breathing or suffering from constant coughs? And have you ever worked in the asbestos industry? If you answered yes to both these questions then you are probably suffering from a rare form of cancer – Malignant pleural mesothelioma. Indeed, this is a very dangerous form of cancer.
It only affects those who get in contact with asbestos dust. Thus, only those who work in asbestos factories are susceptible to getting this disease. But despite this well known fact, no laws or precautionary measures have been taken in order to protect the health of workers like you. There may be a couple of laws, but they are not enforced properly.
If you are having financial difficulties than you may not be capable of paying the high medical bills you will be charged. If you got the disease as a result of poor working conditions then you should demand for compensation from your employer. This will force them to improve working conditions in the future as well.

Should they refuse to give you financial aid, you should ask help from a lawyer. Those with lots of money may be thinking that they can just pay for a cure to this disease. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this cancer at present.
And with the cases of people getting this cancer rising each year, this is indeed a cause for concern. Still, there are three methods by which you can slow the spread of this cancer throughout your body. These methods arranged from most to least effective are as follows: (1) radiotherapy, (2) chemotherapy, and (3) surgical removal.
Keep in mind that surgical removal can only be done during the early stages of the cancer. Once the cancer has spread throughout the body it will be very difficult to remove it from the body. If you have been diagnosed with this cancer and you need money to pay for therapy, then you can demand compensation from your employer
It is the responsibility of your employer to ensure that the workplace is safe for all employees to work in. If you get an injury or disease as a result of poor working conditions then you have a right to ask for financial assistance to cover your medical bills and such. If your employer refuses to pay you then you should hire a lawyer for help.
Malignant pleural mesothelioma will send you to an early grave, so you should at least find a way to prolong your life as much as possible.

Source : Internet Marketing Royalty
Jumat, 06 Februari 2015
Posted by Unknown

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