Posted by : Unknown Minggu, 05 Juli 2015

Do you have eye bags or dark circles / eye panda? The lower eyelids down, swollen and enlarged a natural effect of aging, but can also be caused by lack of sleep, allergies, and habits that promote water retention (often troubled and always crying). Enlarged eye bags and puffiness can make a person look tired and look older, thereby reducing the performance of personal appearance. Let us learn how to prevent and how to remove eye bags quickly, long-term strategy and permanent cosmetic solution

Method 1  : Quick Tips

1.    Drink plenty of water . Eye bags are often caused by water retention due to high salt concentration in the area . You may wake up with a dilated sac after dinner that taste salty or cry , whether it be from a tear or food , the salt can draw water to the face and then concentrated under your eyes .
Neutralizing the excess salt from your body by drinking water . Avoid salty foods taste that day
Stay away from drinks that cause you to become dehydrated , such as coffee and alcohol .
2.     Soothe your eyes with something cold . You may have heard that putting cucumbers over your eyes will help reduce the size of the eye bags . But actual temperatures soothing coolness of the area . Cucumbers have a perfect shape . The size and texture suitable for treating eye bags . So continue this way , but make sure the cucumbers in the cold after in store in the refrigerator .
If you do not have cucumbers , wet some tea bags , and chill in the freezer or fridge before it is placed on top of your eyes . Use soothing teas , such as chamomile or peppermint , so you get the benefits of aromatherapy at the same time .
3.    Use concealer . In the short run , hide eye bags and dark circles with a little makeup is the fastest and most effective solution . Makeup can reduce the appearance of puffiness and make you look more refreshed throughout the day . Follow these steps to apply makeup to hide :

  • Choose a concealer that matches the color of the skin . If the bags under your eyes are dark , you can also give a color one level lighter . Apply concealer with your fingers or a cotton ball . Make sure you apply with a light , and do not rub . Mature makeup bag will hide more effective if it remained on the surface of your skin .
  • Continue to use a concealer with a sweep of powder that could last all day . Use matte powder .

Method 2  : Long-Term Strategy

1.     Treating allergies are the cause. Eye bags are often the result of an allergy that causes inflammation in the face . Because the skin around your eyes is thinner than your body skin , the liquid tends to be concentrated in the area and causes the area to swell.
Use allergy medicine to treat fever and other seasonal allergies . Try over-the - counter or get a prescription from your doctor .
Avoid being close to the source of allergies , such as flowers , dust or animal . Make sure your home is always clean and wash your linen more often .
2.    Change your sleeping position . People who sleep face down or tilted , have a greater chance to wake up with bags under the eyes . Because of this position allows fluid to gather under the eyes at night . People who sleep slanted eyes will see that they sleep side will have a bigger bag than the eye socket on the other .
Try to sleep on their backs gradually more often than face down or tilted .
Use two pillows under your head . With the head at a slight angle decreases , the fluid will not collect under the eyes .
3.    Caring for your face gently . Because the skin of the face , and especially in the sensitive area under the eyes is thin and fragile . Use the following methods to start taking care of your skin under the eyes with more caution :
  • Do not go to sleep while still wearing makeup . Chemicals in makeup can irritate your eyes at night . Wash your face before bed is an important part of a good facial hygiene .
  • Wash and dry your face gently . Rubbing face up clean , and then rub with a dry towel can injure the skin around your eyes . Use eye makeup remover to gently remove makeup , then splash water several times to the face , and pat gently with a towel tepuj .
  • Use moisturizer on every night . Ensure your face , and particularly your eye area , getting enough moisture that helps the skin to retain elasticity and strength . Use a night cream before heading to bed.
Use sunblok every day . Sunlight can cause the skin around the eyes becoming thinner , making it more fragile .
  • Changing eating habits . Dinner high salt content , can have long term effects on the eye bags . If the habit is carried out continuously , it will hold water in the face so that it can cause permanent eye bags .

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