Posted by : Unknown Minggu, 29 Maret 2015

Children who have less sleep time, can cause adverse effects to health, according to research from New Zealand to find any children's sleep time is reduced one hour, at risk of weight gain 0.7 pounds.

School age children need to sleep at least 10-12 hours per day. Several things can make a child become less sleep as too much activity, watching television, playing video or computer. If your child has less sleep then it will affect such things as quoted from Lifemojo, Tuesday (06/28/2011), namely:
1. Lack of concentration
    Lack of sleep can make children become tired, so out 

    of focus or concentration is reduced. 
    This condition would make it difficult to receive information from the outside.

2. Irritable
    This causes the child easily iriatsi or irritable, hyperactive behavior that sometimes 

    can make a parent or caregiver upset.

3. The decline in IQ scores
    Researchers from the University of Virginia found the children who sleep deprivation 

    can impair cognitive development and IQ, so it has lower grades in school and 
    hard to build good relationships with peers. 
    Experts believe the sooner the child to sleep after learning the ability to 
    remember the greater.

4. Emotional problems
    Lack of sleep can raise levels of the hormone cortisol setrs, that allows him to experience the 

    problems associated with depression and anxiety. This can make children easy sadness, anger,
    fatigue, nausea and worry all the time.

5. Problem with weight
    Studies of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found children who sleep less at 

    risk of obesity is around 92 percent. Researchers said that for every 1 extra hour of sleep obtained 
    the child can reduce the risk by 9 percent.

6. Risk of diabetes
    Lack of sleep will affect the absorption of glucose, any lack of sleep as much as 2 hours in a week 

    was associated with increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokins and low grade inflammation that 
    can affect insulin resistance thus increasing the risk of diabetes.

7. Potentially ADHD (hyperactivity)
    Studies conducted by the University of Michigan and published by Pediatrics Magazine found 

    sleep disorders in children such as sleep apnea, snoring, frequent waking at night or anxiety can 
    contribute to the condition of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

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