Archive for Maret 2015

6 Ways To Eat Children Gusto

Many parents are still confused and find different tactics so that the baby can eat with gusto. Here are some tips to keep in mind to provide food to children.

1. Breakfast is an important food for the child's activity day.
    For that, parents should still set aside time at least for
   10-15  minutes for kids to finish breakfast before he went
    to school.

2. Make the kids think food is something fun.
    Do not make the child feel like a chore food. Still, substantial material enter the carbohydrate and protein
    in the diet to keep the energy level of children remains high.

3. Give your food a different menu every day at the plate son. Variety of food is a recipe for good health. 
    Try varying the form of an egg dish, bread, cereals, and fruits. Let he also chose his favorite menu.

4. Basically, food for children should include green leafy vegetables and beans.

5. Please note, saturated fats are not good for health. So, avoid fried as a snack during the day. Also 

    avoid giving excessive sweets.

6. Because the activity of play will make children sweat a lot, make sure she drinks plenty of fluids. 

    Give the lemon juice or orange juice in addition to milk and yogurt.

Source :
Minggu, 29 Maret 2015
Posted by Unknown

16 Tips Increase Infant Stimulation of the Brain

0-3 years of age is the golden period of infant brain development. Therefore, parents should provide a variety of brain stimulation to develop intelligence, whether it be in terms of nutrition or stimulation in the form of communication, swabs, views, or a hug to a child.

Newborn brain consists of some 100 billion cells are connected since birth and will end at the age of 3 years. Until the age of 6 months, 75% of the babies' brains mature brain. Until the age of 8 months, babies' brains enough to respond to events around him. Give the proper stimulation!

Perform a baby with a relaxing massage. Each massage stimulates the brain's nerve cells to connect.
Perform moderate exercise for babies, for example, move your baby's hands crossed over his chest 

    as much as 4 kali.gerakkan sperti foot pedal, a total of 4 counts. Babies love to enjoy it, as long 
    as not too long.
Talk to your baby whatever you are doing, he will learn to speak and speak. With members pause at 

    the end of a sentence, you teach speech patterns and conversations.
Talk with changing intonation extreme to stimulate the brain.
Sing to your baby every day the same song, by repeating the song, baby learns to predict and memorize

    the song.
*  Show pictures of baby books with bright colors and contrast, but not more than two images so that 

    the baby is not confused.
*  Encourage play peekaboo to teach him about object permanence, although he did not see you does 

    not mean you are not there. These show a foundation of trust on your baby.
Imitate the expressions and sounds your baby so he learns that he can make an impact on lingkunganya.
*  Change the position of the baby every 30 minutes so he could look around from several 

    viewpoints. Standing upright, prone and supine. Lap he was in his lap, gently rocking with your foot to 
    teach him bout the slag.
*  To test hearing, ring rattle in her ear, then toward the rear. He will learn to focus their hearing in noise.
*  Give bayu objects of different textures to touch.
*  Provide safe toys to chew on so that baby learns to recognize textures through his tongue.
*  Singing and clapping their babies so that mimicked tanganlah applause. Applause is important 

    for the coordination of both hemispheres baby.
*  Encourage the child out of the house, show a variety of living beings and objects outside the home.
Tell your child you love him. Baby will soon learn the meaning of your love before she was able to repay.
Recommend a baby with another child, say take him out to see the other bigger kids were playing, 

    or, often to meet his cousin. (Uncle and Aunt)

Source :

7 Health Problems When Children Sleep Deprivation

Children who have less sleep time, can cause adverse effects to health, according to research from New Zealand to find any children's sleep time is reduced one hour, at risk of weight gain 0.7 pounds.

School age children need to sleep at least 10-12 hours per day. Several things can make a child become less sleep as too much activity, watching television, playing video or computer. If your child has less sleep then it will affect such things as quoted from Lifemojo, Tuesday (06/28/2011), namely:
1. Lack of concentration
    Lack of sleep can make children become tired, so out 

    of focus or concentration is reduced. 
    This condition would make it difficult to receive information from the outside.

2. Irritable
    This causes the child easily iriatsi or irritable, hyperactive behavior that sometimes 

    can make a parent or caregiver upset.

3. The decline in IQ scores
    Researchers from the University of Virginia found the children who sleep deprivation 

    can impair cognitive development and IQ, so it has lower grades in school and 
    hard to build good relationships with peers. 
    Experts believe the sooner the child to sleep after learning the ability to 
    remember the greater.

4. Emotional problems
    Lack of sleep can raise levels of the hormone cortisol setrs, that allows him to experience the 

    problems associated with depression and anxiety. This can make children easy sadness, anger,
    fatigue, nausea and worry all the time.

5. Problem with weight
    Studies of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found children who sleep less at 

    risk of obesity is around 92 percent. Researchers said that for every 1 extra hour of sleep obtained 
    the child can reduce the risk by 9 percent.

6. Risk of diabetes
    Lack of sleep will affect the absorption of glucose, any lack of sleep as much as 2 hours in a week 

    was associated with increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokins and low grade inflammation that 
    can affect insulin resistance thus increasing the risk of diabetes.

7. Potentially ADHD (hyperactivity)
    Studies conducted by the University of Michigan and published by Pediatrics Magazine found 

    sleep disorders in children such as sleep apnea, snoring, frequent waking at night or anxiety can 
    contribute to the condition of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Source :
Posted by Unknown

Health and Prevention with Water

An increased intake of healthy water will enhance digestion, nutrient absorption, skin hydration, detoxification and virtually every aspect of better health!

So many common ailments and illnesses can be prevented and greatly reduced by an increased intake of healthy water. Headaches, hypertension, back pain, arthritis, ulcers, asthma, morning sickness, fatigue and metabolism can all benefit (and in many cases be prevented) by regulating the body's natural fluid levels.
Recently there has been a dramatic change in medical theory and a long overdue realization about wellness.

The best way to prevent, help, overcome and, in many cases, eliminate illness is to give the body the right tools and let it go to work. With the proper intake of healthy water, and the right minerals and nutrients, the body can overcome many challenges.
The human body is an amazing healing machine, with bad cells being replaced by good ones millions of times per second!
Constant regeneration of skin, bones, hair, nails, damaged nerves, organ linings... virtually every healing process that happens in the body happens primarily with water!

Hundreds of recent studies have confirmed that many of the medications our society has become dependent on, primarily antibiotics and analgesics , often do much more harm than good. Antibiotics can be extremely damaging to the liver and have an adverse effect on the immune system. The more frequently we turn to synthetic medicines to overcome infections, the weaker our natural defenses become and the more likely we are to have repeated incidences of infection.

An increased intake of water and the proper immune-enhancing nutrients, combined with a little patience and common sense, are by far the best defense against most minor infections. Allowing the body to overcome minor infections with fever, fluids, nutrition and rest increases natural resistance and makes us less susceptible to biological intruders in the future. Truly the best offense to maintain a good defense.

Pain medications also work contrary to the way the body naturally heals itself. In a very informative book called "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" (very highly recommended), studies by medical experts explain how many of the pain sensations we experience are initially the result of moderate or acute dehydration.

Headaches...The brain is more than 75% water and when it detects a shortage of available fluids it implements a water-rationing process by producing histamines, causing pain and fatigue. This natural process is meant to slow us down and conserve water for defense uses (just as an animal lies in the shade when ill). Histamines are released as a warning signal that something is wrong. When we take antihistamines or analgesic medicines like acetaminophen or ibuprofen we mainly turn off the signal and do little or nothing for the problem. A big glass of pure water and a 20 minute decompression break will overcome most common stress-related headaches. (It takes medications longer to work than that!)

Back pain is often the result of a deficiency in body fluid levels. The discs in the back are really little hydraulic shock absorbers. These discs are made up of an outer shell of flexible joint tissue filled with fluid pockets, primarily water. A properly hydrated disk creates a cushion that absorbs the normal shock of physical activity and supports the weight of the upper body. These discs are self-hydrating as long as there are adequate fluid levels and regular movement. Movement that compresses and releases pressure on the disc creates a suction that allows body fluids (99% water) to be pulled inside the disc, keeping it properly hydrated. When a disc is fully hydrated, the shell of the disc supports 25% of the weight load and the fluid supports 75%. When these discs become dehydrated, the shell has to support a larger portion of the load, causing pain, swelling and soreness which can lead to more serious problems, also more permanent ones.

Passive activities like standing in one place or sitting at a desk without regular movement for prolonged periods, allow constant pressure on the discs which slowly forces the fluid out. Without sufficient body fluid levels and spine movement, the pressure on the discs increases,resulting in pain and stiffness. Simply by maintaining a constant and adequate intake of water, as well as regular movement such as bending forward, backwards and side to side, with your head and upper body allowing the discs to hydrate, you can prevent most minor back and neck pain. Try it; you'll be amazed how easy and effective these natural solutions can be.

is very often a result of the body's adjusting to blood-volume loss. The most common cause of lower blood volume is dehydration. Since blood is more than 83% water, its total volume is heavily affected by water intake. When the body detects a loss of blood volume, it closes off less active capillary beds in order to maintain proper blood flow to the more active areas. These vessel closings cause a rise in tension throughout the circulatory system, which is known as "hypertension." More water allows proper blood volume and a lower level of circulatory tension.

Arthritis pain and stiffness are now understood to be initially a result of increased friction and swelling in the bone joints. Water is what the body uses to lubricate the pliable joint cartilage. When the water level is reduced, there is increased friction between the cartilage surfaces, resulting in swelling, stiffness and pain. Movement of the joints causes a suction that pulls water from the bone marrow into the joint cavity if there is proper hydration. Increased intake of water and gentle rhythmic movements of the joints can ease and, in many cases, overcome minor arthritic pain and swelling. A more detailed explanation of this natural process can be found in "The Body's Many Cries for Water" and a recent publication by three very highly respected medical doctors called "The Water We Drink."

, which affects over 12 million children in North America alone and causes the deaths of several thousand each year, is a direct result of increased histamine production. Dehydration initiates exaggerated histamine production as a water-regulating control. It is well known that asthmatics have excessive levels of histamines in their lung tissue, causing constriction of the bronchial passages and increased mucus build-up. Water is used in the lungs to keep the tissues moist, but each time we exhale, we expel moisture from our lungs. Under normal hydrated conditions, the moisture is rapidly replaced. If we are in a dehydrated state, the tissues inside the lungs begin to get coated with mucus to prevent drying. It has been demonstrated in many animal studies that increased water intake will reduce histamine levels and, over a two to three week period, restore normal hydration to lung tissue and reduce mucus build up. Once this occurs, the bronchial passages begin to open and normal breathing is restored. The same histamine related effects apply to allergies, and again, significant benefits can be seen with an increased intake of healthy water and increased movement.

Morning sickness, something thought of as normal, is a direct result of dehydration. The fetus lives in a world of water, which the body naturally prioritizes above all other needs. Throughout the night, which is the longest period without water intake, the uterus draws water from the mother's system to maintain its fluid levels and that of the fetus. In the morning the mother awakens in a state of dehydration, histamine nausea and fatigue. Hence the term "morning sickness", more appropriately "morning dehydration."

A common hang-over produces the same symptoms and has essentially the same cause, (dehydration), as morning sickness... only with a less noble purpose. Alcohol is a very strong diuretic that causes the body to excrete water, often leading to advanced dehydration. Both morning sickness and the common hang-over can be prevented by drinking plenty of water before going to bed and throughout the night.

While water is certainly not an absolute cure-all, we must recognize it as the primary ingredient to every preventive and healing process inside the body. The body is truly a magnificent creation capable of preventing and curing even the worst disease and illness.

Understanding how the body works is the first step toward achieving optimum health. It's easy to grasp if you just remember that we are more than 70% water!

Once we gain this simple understanding, our actions will usually begin to work in better harmony with our body's natural instincts, ideally creating the perfect internal environment.

Source :

Drugs In Drinking Water, A Shocking Realization...!!!

As if we didn't have enough worries about the quality of our drinking water, we now find that antibiotics, growth hormones and many prescription drugs are being detected in our public and private water systems.

It's not a very pleasant thought, but on the average, about 10% of the water we drink has been used before.

The same amount of water that exists on this planet today... existed millions of years ago... to the drop! There is no such thing as new water. Our planet continuously recycles and re-uses this finite supply of water. Only recently have we learned how fragile and finite our water resources really are. We are finding traces of compounds in our water that no one ever thought to look for before. We have finally realized that any chemical used in our society will eventually wind up in our drinking water
While the current focus by the media on tap water problems has raised long overdue concerns, it is not a new issue. In 1999, a 17-year-old West Virginia high school student, Ashley Mulroy, read a report in a science magazine describing how European scientists had recently discovered that "drugs of all kinds, including antibiotics, were flowing in rivers, streams, ground water and even in tap water" and decided to embark on a science project of her own. Over a ten-week period Ashley and her mother drove for miles along the Ohio River taking samples of the water from different sites. She then returned to her hometown and had the samples tested for three common antibiotics: penicillin, tetracycline and vancomycin... to her surprise she found traces of all three in each of the samples she had taken. Ashley then sampled tap water in three near by towns. All three, including water from the drinking fountain at her school, were contaminated with the antibiotics in question. Ashley was awarded several science project awards and more importantly opened the eyes of many U.S. scientists.

Researchers from the U.S. EPA and the National Geological Survey have now found traces of antibiotics, birth control drugs, anti-depressants and even caffeine in many water samples taken across the country. Large animal farming operations and wastewater treatment plants release billions of gallons of contaminated wastewater into our environment every day. A large percentage of the drugs that are given to humans and animals pass through the body and wind up in this recycled wastewater and then in our drinking water.

As early as 2000, USA Today, in a news release, stated that "experts fear that even low levels of antibiotics fouling the nations water supply may help create super-bugs: micro organisms that have evolved to survive an antibiotic's lethal assault." And that these super-bugs may be causing 'tens of thousands' of deaths each year in the U.S.A., according to Abigail Salyers, an expert on antibiotic resistance at the University of Illinois.

Christian Daughton, a Chief of Environmental Chemist for the E.P.A., warns that "Water pollution by drugs is a newly emerging issue." The reality is that there is little information on the long term effects of consuming low levels of antibiotics and growth hormones, but everyone agrees that they will not be good.

Our public water treatment plants are not designed to remove drugs and other synthetic chemicals from our water. Without waiting for the final verdict on the actual effects of drinking a mixture of drugs and other chemicals, we can assume that they will be negative. The only question is... how negative and why wait?

Most all prescription drugs and pharmaceuticals are synthetic organic chemicals (SOCs) and volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) and can be filtered out with quality home water filtration. Look for systems that are certified for the reduction of VOCs and THMs to address this issue.

The only way to get truly healthful drinking water is to make it yourself with point of use water filtration.

Aquasana makes healthy water affordable and convenient.

Source :

The Health Effects of Drinking Water Contamination

U.S. drinking water contains more than 2,100 toxic chemicals that can cause cancer. --Ralph Nader Research Institute

The following report summarizes factual information on tap water quality and the effects of tap water on human health. For information on bottled water quality and the misconceptions surrounding it, visit our bottled water page.

Our hope is that you will take a moment to review this valuable information and consider the facts. We are not trying to scare you, we are only trying to inform you of the threats to our environment and health that became the driving force behind the formation of our company. Increased awareness of this serious issue can only benefit us all.

We also hope that you will review the product information about Aquasana Pure Water Systems, the highest-rated home water filtration products in America. After reading this page you can tour the rest of our site for additional topics of interest or visit the product catalog for great savings on Aquasana purchases. Once you have all the facts, the decision is easy. Even if you don't buy one of our water filters, please buy a water filter. There is no such thing as a bad water filter. Thank you for coming this far!

The causes of tap water contamination are many, ranging from agricultural runoff to improper use of household chemicals and everything in between. Few of us realize the extent or impact of these low level synthetic chemicals in the water we use. While the standard use in our society of over 80,000 different synthetic chemicals has led to added convenience and productivity in our lives, these come at a tremendous price... drastic increases in degenerative disease.

In the early 1900s, before the prevalence of chlorine, pesticides, herbicides and the tens of thousands of other chemicals that we are exposed to every day, the average American had a 1 in 50 chance of getting cancer, today one out of three people can expect to get cancer in their lifetime, one out of two males.

Our use of man-made chemicals has become so extreme that we can now find traces of these low level SOCs (synthetic organic chemicals) in virtually every public water supply around the world. A recent report by the Ralph Nader Study Group, after a review of over 10,000 documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act, confirmed that "U.S. drinking water contains more than 2,100 toxic chemicals that can cause cancer."

We've learned that any chemical we use in our society will eventually wind up in our water supply. There is no "new" water! Our planet reuses the same water over and over. And as our use of SOCs increases, so does the toxicity of our water. Earth's natural filtration process is not effective at removing these toxic SOCs, nor is municipal water treatment. Industry, agriculture and individuals all contribute to the problem. Many of the contaminants found in water can be traced back to improper or excessive use of ordinary compounds like lawn chemicals, gasoline, dry-cleaning solvents and cleaning products.

Once we realize that everything that goes down the drain, on our lawns, on our agricultural fields or into the environment by any means eventually winds up in the water we drink, we begin to see just how vulnerable our water supply really is.

Our municipal water treatment facilities do not remove SOCs and typically consist only of sand bed filtration and disinfection, like a standard swimming pool filter. For the most part, today's water treatment facilities are much the same as they were at the turn of the last century: they filter out the visible particles and add bleach!

"Drinking water plants are old and out of date, and water supplies are increasingly threatened by and contaminated by chemicals and microorganisms.," Natural Resources Defense Council.

"The way we guarantee safe drinking water is broken and needs to be fixed," Carol Browner, U.S. EPA chief.

One of America's leading authorities on water contamination, Dr. David Ozonoff of the Boston University School of Public Health states, "The risk of disease associated with public drinking water has passed from the theoretical to the real."

Many illnesses that in the past could not be linked to a probable cause have now been linked to toxins in our drinking water.
"While levels of these carcinogens (SOCs) in drinking water are low, it is precisely these low levels that carcinogenists believe to be responsible for the majority of human cancers in the U.S.,"
U.S. Council on Environmental Quality.

The use of pesticides and herbicides has become so excessive that they are now commonly found in household tap water and bottled water with alarming frequency.

A 1998 study of 29 major U.S. cities by the Environmental Working Group found that all 29 cities had traces of at least one weed killer in the drinking water. The report titled "Weed Killers by the Glass" went on to say that "millions of Americans are routinely exposed to one or more pesticides in a single glass of tap water."

These first ever tap water testings found two or more pesticides in the drinking water of 27 of the 29 cities, three or more in 24 cities, four or more in 21 cities, five or more in 18 cities, six or more in 13 cities, and seven or more in the tap water of five major U.S. cities. In Fort Wayne, Indiana, nine different pesticides were found in a single glass of tap water!

As a startling side note, it was reported that in these 29 cities, 45,000 infants drank formula mixed with tap water containing weed killers and that "over half of these infants were swallowing four to nine chemicals in every bottle!"

The tragic health effects of consuming these highly toxic chemicals are magnified many times over for small children because their systems are more sensitive and still developing. Small children also consume a much larger volume of fluids per pound of body weight and therefore get a bigger dose, yet none of these factors are considered when the EPA's maximum contaminant levels are set. The National Academy of Sciences issued a report in 1993 on this subject, stating "children are not little adults" and their bodies are less developed and simply incapable of detoxifying certain harmful compounds.

Another major flaw in the estimated risks of chemicals in our drinking water is the false assumption that only one chemical is being consumed. The regulations are set based on what is assumed safe for a 175-pound adult drinking water with only one chemical present and do not take into account the combined toxicity of two or more chemicals.

In a 1995 Science Advisory Report to the EPA, it was stated that "when two or more of these contaminants combine in our water, the potency may be increased as much as 1,000 times!"

It has been shown that areas with the highest levels of SOCs in their water supplies also have the highest incidence of cancer.

Jacquelyn Warren of the Natural Resources Defense Council commented on the subject, "The one thing we know for sure about toxins in our drinking water is that the more we look, the more we find."

Source :

Trying to Lose Weight? Want Healthier-Looking Skin...???

An increased intake of pure, healthy water will enhance nutrient absorption, weight loss, skin hydration, detoxification, metabolism and virtually every aspect of better health.

Natural, healthy weight loss can occur only by increasing one's intake of pure, healthy water. Water is not only the number-one ingredient for a healthy body on the inside, it also plays the lead role in maintaining a healthy and youthful appearance on the outside.

The quantity and the quality of the water we consume determine the body's ability to metabolize and shed excess fat and properly maintain the largest organ, the skin.

Weight loss is primarily the result of the liver converting stored fat into usable energy. This process not only requires sufficient water intake, but it can be greatly accelerated by consumption of an abundance of clean, healthy water. Water also suppresses the appetite naturally and helps digest food properly.

Increasing water intake naturally speeds up metabolism and allows the body to better assimilate nutrients from the foods and nutritional supplements we consume, the result being natural and healthy weight loss.

When we do not consume enough water, the upper and lower intestine have a reduced ability to absorb nutrients. The result is that most of the value of our foods and supplements is lost and passes through our body with out being absorbed.

Sugars and carbohydrates are absorbed and processed faster than other nutrients, so without an abundant intake of clean water, we can end up getting all the calories without any of the nutrition. Food cravings are primarily the result of nutrient deficiencies; it's the body's way of telling us we need something. If our food is not properly digested, then nutrient absorption is not sufficient, and the body keeps telling us we need something in the form of food cravings.

"Sixty percent of all Americans are over weight. It's our number one health problem." -Surgeon General

A good indication of how much water is enough is to notice how much color is in your urine. Any color at all in the urine usually indicates a water deficiency, resulting in reduced nutrient absorption and a slower metabolic rate.

The quality of the water we drink also greatly impacts the body's ability to achieve or maintain a certain weight. One of the main functions of the liver is to act as a filter and eliminate toxins from the body. The liver performs this vital process using water in a joint effort with the kidneys. If the water we consume contains chemicals like chlorine, lead or agricultural and industrial pollutants, then much of the liver's energy is spent on filtering contaminants instead of processing fat into energy. Many recent studies have shown a link between consuming chlorinated water and thyroid dysfunction, which can lead to weight gain.

All weight-loss programs are based on reduced caloric intake and increased metabolic rate, both of which are naturally achieved with an increased intake of clean, healthy water.

Water is also the key ingredient to keep the skin moist, supple and resilient. The best way to moisturize is from the inside.

Drinking more water will result in softer, healthier, younger-looking skin. Try it: drink an extra glass of water in the morning, one before lunch and one an hour before bedtime. You'll be amazed at the results!

Truly, water is the key ingredient for healthier skin and natural weight loss.

Aquasana Home Water Filtration makes the healthiest water on Earth affordable and convenient.

Source :

Thigh Exercises For Women

For women, shaping the muscles of the thighs is an important fitness goal. A shapely lower body is considered very feminine, and the right proportion of the waist to the hips is part of the equation. It's surprising, but true, thigh toning exercises can be done at home, without equipment and results can be seen in 4-6 weeks. Also, did you know that thigh and hip toning gadgets are not required if you know which exercises work, and how to do them. Most importantly, thigh exercises are most effective when combined with aerobic exercise and a healthy diet.

This means that women must not only do the right thigh exercises, but also include aerobic exercise and sound nutrition to get best results. The following exercises are the most effective front thigh exercises for women. The routine also includes inner thigh and rear thigh exercises.

For best results, start with 15-20 repetitions and one set. Increase gradually to 2 sets. Complete the routine at least 2 times a week for best results. This is an effective beginner to intermediate toning program. Please remember that these numbers are general guidelines only. For an optimum program tailored to your needs, please consult a certified personal trainer. If you have any injuries or medical ailments, please obtain a physicians clearance before starting any exercise program.

Wall Squat: Front Thigh Exercise.
Starting Position: – Place your upper back against a smooth wall. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Distribute your body weight equally between both feet and lean back against the wall. Movement: – Inhale, keeping your heels in contact with the floor at all times, slowly lower into a squat position while sliding down the wall. Exhale as you slowly straighten your legs, keeping your head and chest up, returning to the starting position. Repeat as required.

Standing Dumbbell Squats: Front Thigh Exercise.
Starting Position:- Hold a dumbbell in each hand and allow them to hang down at your sides. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Distribute your body weight equally between both feet. Movement:- Inhale, keeping your heels in contact with the floor at all times, slowly lower into a squat position. Exhale as you slowly straighten your legs, keeping your head and chest up, returning to the starting position. Repeat as required. 5 lb dumbbells work well, but you can start with 2 lbs and then work your way up to 5 lbs within 3-5 weeks.

Lunges: Front Thigh Exercise.
Starting Position: – Assume a standing position with your feet slightly less than shoulder width apart. Grasp a barbell with a wider than shoulder width grip and place it across your shoulders. Movement: – Inhale, keeping your back vertical and slightly arched, slowly step forward with one leg making a long stride, lowering your body down slowly until your rear knee lightly touches the floor (if you cannot go as low as this, then work your way up to it over 2-3 weeks). Exhale and shift your weight backwards, taking one step (or 2-3 small steps if that sounds difficult) to return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. Remember to consult your doctor before this or any other knee exercises if you have had any knee trouble!

Lying Face Down: Front Thigh Stretch.
Starting Position: Lie on your stomach on a matt with your legs together. Movement: Reach behind you and grasp your right ankle with your left hand. Pull your right heel up as far as you can. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat as required on other side. Please remember to hold for 10 seconds for this stretch.

Seated Split Stretch: Inner Thigh Stretch.
Starting Position: Sit on an exercise matt and spread your legs as far as you can. Movement: Lean to your right side and reach for your toes. Rest your hands on your toes or at your ankle. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat as required on other side.

Seated Butterfly: Inner Thigh Exercise.
Starting Position: Sit on an exercise matt with your back straight. Movement: Bring the soles of your feet together and pull them in as close to your body as you can. Allow your hands to rest on your feet or to apply light pressure to your thighs. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Hold this position for 10 seconds. You will find this most effective if you gently push your knees down using your hands, be careful not to push too much.

Seated Hip Twist: Outer Thigh And Rear Thigh Exercise.
Starting Position: Sit on an exercise matt with your legs straight out in front of you. Movement: Bend your right knee and place your right foot over your left leg. Wrap your arms around your right knee and gently pull it in towards your left shoulder. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat as required on other side. Remember to hold for 10 seconds.

Lying Leg Pull: Total Thigh Exercise.
Starting Position: Lie on your back on an exercise matt with your knees in the air and feet flat on the floor. Movement: Bring your right heel to rest on your left thigh. Loop your hands around your left thigh and pull it towards your chest. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat as required on other side. Remember to hold for 10 seconds in each set.

Source :

Female Hair Loss Causes and Treatments

For women, the idea of losing their hair could very well be a cause for panic. This is because hair is perhaps one of the most defining parts of a woman, in terms of personal style and femininity. these concerns are troublesome for many women as they age and see thinning hair get increasingly more prevalent. Each year, more and more women are likely to become victims of serious hair loss, also called alopecia. Though uncommon, alopecia has been seen to begin in women as young as fifteen or sixteen years of age. Alopecia in women becomes much more prevalent as they get older, and can be caused by a variety of factors, including dietary, hormonal, and environmental factors.

It is believed that the causes for female alopecia differ from that of male hair loss, which is almost always caused by a mutation of the male hormone testosterone attacking genetically susceptible hair follicles, resulting in the familiar male pattern baldness that affect the hair at the front and top of the head in men. Where male alopecia generally begins with a receding hairline that then spreads to the crown of the head, female alopecia is more of a thinning effect than anything else, and can occur anywhere on the head. This hair loss is typically not related to the same hormones that cause thinning hair in men, but rather can be caused by a wide variety of factors, making female hair loss more difficult to identify and treat.

Hair follicles generally grow about half an inch a month and each hair has a growth phase lasting two to six years. After this, the hair "rests," falls out and the cycle resumes as a new hair follicle replaces it. However, some women suffer an interruption in this cycle, generally those who have a genetic predisposition to such hair loss. Such interruptions can speed up the rate at which hair follicles fall out, or slow down the rate of replacement. This can cause noticeably thinning hair all over the scalp, especially at the crown.

Some women who experience hair loss may be suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is a disorder which affects female hormones. They may also suffer from certain autoimmune disorders that wind up causing problems like alopecia areata, which causes hair to come out in clumps or patches. It is also important to note that certain situations in which hair loss is only temporary may exist. For example, many women experience sudden alopecia following childbirth, surgery, crash dieting, and even emotionally traumatizing events. Hair loss from these experiences is usually only temporary, with full hair regrowth occurring within a few months.

A few other potential causes of alopecia in women include anemia, chronic illnesses, thyroid disorders, as well as certain medications. For this reason, it is necessary to get to the "root" of the problem before trying to fix alopecia, as it is likely that an underlying disorder could be the cause of the problem. Once a diagnosis has been made, treatment can follow.

Several options exist for women who want to end the process of alopecia and attempt to reverse the process altogether. For one, it is beneficial for women to get the proper nutrients into their diets in order to stop hair loss caused by way of deficiency. A properly balanced diet contains the essential fatty acids, which can be found in numerous food items like soy, fish, walnuts and canola oil. Vitamin B12 is also a necessity, which is difficult to obtain in vegan diets outside of taking supplements. Many women have found that being deficient in biotin and magnesium can have a dramatic effect on female hair loss.

In other cases, certain products can help women naturally both end and reverse hair loss, such as dietary supplements. With supplements, the goal is to supply the scalp with the proper nutrients it needs to be revitalized and come alive again. This can be beneficial in those who are under strict diet orders or otherwise cannot seem to get enough of the proper nutrients.

These natural hair products typically do not come with very many side effects, if any, and are a very safe, easy to use form of treatment to undergo. Most use oral supplements, but some of the more effective ones combine that with a topical solution that is applied directly to the scalp as well. If you are interested in learning more about one of the more popular two-part supplements for female hair loss, visit

Samantha Dunkin is an expert on naturopathy and herbal remedies, and has contributed her research towards a Female Hair Loss Treatment. She has worked tirelessly to identify and solve the problem of hair loss in women.


Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015
Posted by Unknown

The Benefits Of Drinking Water

Drinking water has many, many health benefits. A lot of people love sports drinks and other beverage supplements, but drinking water simply can’t be beat. When we don’t drink enough water, our body retains water which prevents getting rid of negative toxins in our body.
Our body requires water to function properly. Below are just a sample of many benefits we receive when we drink water.

Our body is cleansed of toxins – One of the health benefits of drinking water is that your body will feel healthy and cleansed.

Prevents over eating - When you drink at least 64 ounces of water a day, you feel more full. This prevents you from eating more than you should.

Digestive system functions properly – Your digestive system LOVES water, because it helps your colon stay cleansed and running properly. Similar to oil in your car – when there is fresh oil and enough of it, your car will pay you back by lasting longer.

Healthy & beautiful skin – Keeping your system cleansed with enough water helps give you smooth beautiful and healthy skin. When you flush out toxins and stay hydrated, you help eliminate dirt than clogs the pours of your skin.

Increases energy levels - When you properly hydrate your body with water, you increase blood flow throughout your body which gives your system renewed energy with leaves you feeling fresh and renewed.

Maintain overall health – Drinking water benfits you in every way possible. Drinking at least eight, eight ounce glasses per day will keep you feeling great for years to come.
Water acts like a purifier for our body. The more we drink, the better our system will function. There’s many benefits to drinking distilled water, and purified water. There are many different water purifying systems that you can either install in your home or install on your refridgerator. Either way start drinking water today – your body will thank you for years to come.

Source : Health Beauty Lifestyle
Jumat, 06 Maret 2015
Posted by Unknown

Bananas are good for Neck Pain Relief

Banana synonymous with food primates proved to have very high potassium content. There are about 350 mg of potassium in a medium-sized banana. That's why the banana is great for neck pain.

High mineral content of potassium in bananas are known to restore electrolyte balance and reduces painful muscle contractions. Also bananas are known to contain levels of fat and low cholesterol and high in vitamins and minerals.
Eating bananas combined with rest and proper fluid intake could be a simple and effective drugs to overcome some kind of pain or pain in the neck, as quoted from the LIVESTRONG, Wednesday (06/29/2011).

Pain or tenderness in the neck often caused by muscle tension due to injury, spent time at the computer or driving. Besides the pressure on the nerves located in the neck can also cause pain.

Low levels of certain minerals in the body, especially potassium or calcium can trigger muscle spasms. This effect will be felt even worse when a person is dehydrated at the same time.

One of the ways you can do to reduce neck muscle cramping and pain is to increase consumption of foods rich in potassium. These foods include bananas, orange juice, tomatoes, raisins or baked potatoes with the skin.

A medium sized banana is known to contain as much as 422 mg of potassium, and the level of daily intake of potassium for adults about 4,700 mg, while higher intake for athletes anymore because in order to avoid sore muscles.

But if the pain or pain in the neck is also reduced or even become worse, you should immediately consult a doctor. Because it can be a pain that arises not due to a strained muscle, but rather as a symptom of more serious health problems, especially if the pain spreading to the arm or shoulder.

Source :
Minggu, 01 Maret 2015
Posted by Unknown

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